Congratulations to Dominic Blackwell, of Perry Beeches SSS, and Emma Lovesey, or Worcester, who both achieved an MDQT at this weekend's Boldmere Water Carnival. Unfortunately this means that they can not take part in next Saturday's final Mercian League Gala. Great swims though!
Finals – Round 3 – 2013
MERCIAN LEAGUE ROUND 3 13-Jul-13 Gala 1 Venue:- Nuneaton Coventry Leamington Stratford Sharks Halesowen Organising Straford Sharks Worcester Club:- Solihull Gala 2 Venue:- Tamworth Redditch Rugby Lichfield Kingsbury Organising Tamworth Tamworth Club:- Oldbury Gala3 Venue:- Solihull Beeches Bilston Blythe Barracudas Walsall Organising Blythe Barracudas Boldmere Club:- Nuneaton Gala 4 Venue:- Cheslyn Hay Ludlow Northgate Orion Warley Wasps Organising Ludlow Wombounre Club:- No TEAM
Congratulations to Adam Fear, Claire Nixon and Charlotte Leaper
Congratulations to Adam Fear (Ludlow), Claire Nixon (Walsall) and Charlotte Leaper (Solihull) who all achieved Midland District Qualifying Times in the second round of this year’s Mercian League. Unfortunately this means that they can take part in this year’s final round gala of the Mercian league. But good swimming guys!
Zachary Gill and Jakob Baker
Congratulations to Zachary Gll (Redditch) and Jakob Baker (Halesowen) who both achieved Midland District Qualifying Times in the first round of this year's Mercian League. Unfortunately this means that they can take no further part in this year's league. But good swimming guys!
Round 2 Draw 2013
Results are all now in. Here is the draw for the second round of this year's Mercian League: MERCIAN LEAGUE ROUND 2 8th June Gala1 Nuneaton Gala1 Venue:- Nuneaton Stratford Sharks Lichfield Redditch Organising Ludlow Club:- Nuneaton Wombourne Gala2 Orion Gala2 Venue:- Cheslyn Hay Worcester Solihull Kingsbury Organising Northgate Club:- Orion Beeches Gala3 Bilston Gala3 Venue:- Tamworth Tamworth Halesowen Rugby Organising Walsall Club:- Tamworth Warley Wasps Gala4 Leamington Gala4 Venue:- Leamington Coventry Oldbury Blythe Barracudas Organising Boldmere Club:- Leamington No TEAM
Tonights’ Organising Teams
Please can tonight’s results be emailed to so that the website can be updated. Time keepers slips and any paperwork – please can they be posted to: 6 Eastleigh Croft, Walmley, Sutton Coldfield B76 1JF Many thanks for your help organising the galas.