Affiliation fees News April 25, 2013April 25, 2013 If you haven't sent your affiliation fee in yet, please send your £30 to the Treasurer, Richard Reading, to the following address: 6 Kennel Lane, Witherley, Nr Atherstone, CV9 3LJ or if you wish to pay by BACS, please email richard via and he will give you the bank details. Thank you.
Pool Location Maps now available News April 14, 2013April 14, 2013 Under 'Useful Docs' there is now a tab called 'Pool Locations'. Each tab shows the address (including post code), contact details and a map. Hopefully this will answer some queries regarding pool locations.
Please make sure you use amended program.. News April 14, 2013April 14, 2013 Please make sure your club is using the revised version of the Mercian League program (which has the Open 4 * 1 medley relays towards the top). All documents can be found under 'Useful Docs' then 'League Docs'.
Gala start times News April 13, 2013April 13, 2013 All galas in the league start at 18:00 for warm up, and 18:30 for the gala proper, unless otherwise stated.
Vacancy in this year’s league News April 13, 2013April 13, 2013 If you would like to take part in this year's league (with no affiliation fees) please contact asap - thank you
Mercian League 2013 News April 12, 2013November 12, 2013 This is a League for ages 10, 12, 14 and Open. Age as at 13th July 2013. Swimmers with a Midland Swimming Championship Time (YCQT, BAGQT) achieved in any event are not allowed to swim in this league . Midland_QT_2014 <<click to check the MDQT times for this year. MERCIAN LEAGUE ROUND 1 27-Apr-13 Gala 1 1 Beeches Gala 1 Venue:- Nuneaton 2 Blythe Barracudas 3 Worcester 4 Ludlow Organising Beeches 5 Halesowen Club:- 6 Nuneaton Gala 2 1 Tamworth Gala