Mercian League will NOT run in 2021 News November 13, 2020 Due to the ongoing pandemic, we have taken the difficult decision to NOT run the Mercian League in 2021. It is unclear when life will get to any where near normal, and the thought of swimmers (and even spectators) being anywhere near poolside in those numbers seems like a very
Cancellation of the Mercian League 2020 News April 6, 2020 Due to the ongoing Covid19 virus, and the effects it is having, we have taken the difficult decision to cancel this year's Mercian league. We are not sure when the pools will re-open this year, and the swimmers will not be competition ready when they do. All monies that have been paid
Round 1 cancelled 2020 Uncategorized March 22, 2020 Due to the Covid19 outbreak, and the cancellation of swimming activity in the United Kingdom, Round 1 of this year's Mercian League has been cancelled. We will review Round 2 closer to the date. Keep safe everyone.
One spare space in the Mercian League for 2020 News January 31, 2020 If any local team would like to compete in a FUN league for swimmers who have not achieved a Midland District Qualifying time since October 2019, then please let us know!
Mercian AGM 2019 – Thank you News November 12, 2019 A big thank you to all clubs who came and supported the Mercian League tonight with our AGM. Please find attached the minutes from tonight's meeting. Any queries please let us know. MercianAGM2019minutes
Paperwork for Tuesday’s AGM News November 10, 2019 MercianAGM2019 Please find attached the paperwork for Tuesday's (12/11/2019) AGM. The AGM will be held at Hollyfields Social Club, starting at 7.30pm. Please let mandy have any apologies before Tuesday if possible. Also - if anyone would like to come onto the committe please let us know :-) Many thanks for your support.