Mercian League AGM Tuesday 12th November 7.30pm News October 24, 2019 The annual Mercian League AGM will be held at Hollyfields Social Club in Erdington, on Tuesday 12th November 2019 starting at 7.30pm. Please can all clubs let us know if they will be attending - more information will be available shortly.
Final Results 2019 Uncategorized July 15, 2019November 10, 2019 MERCIAN LEAGUE RESULTS ROUND 3 13-Jul-19 Gala 1 Points 1 Coventry 199 1 Div 1 Champions 2019 Coventry 2 Bilston 192 2 3 Wombourne 181 3 4 Leamington 180 4 5 Kingsbury 144 5 6 Blythe Barracudas 140 6 1 Worcester 249 1 Div 2 Winner Gala 2 Worcester 2 Lichfield 200 2 3 Orinon 187 3 4 Wyre Forest 181 4 5 Stratford Sharks 162 5 Gala3 1 Halesowen 242 1 Div 3 Winner Gala 3 Halesowen 2 Boldmere 220 2 3 Solihull 207 3 4 Redditch 196 4 5 Bromsgrove DNS Gala 4 1 Perry Beeches 261 1 Div 4 Winner Gala 4 Perry Beeches 2 Haden Hill 232 2 3 Warley Wasps 217 3 4 Tamworth 170 4 5 Northgate DNS
Photos Uncategorized July 14, 2019November 10, 2019 Well done to all teams who competed in this weekend's Mercian League - if anyone has any photos please email them to us :-)
The Final Countdown! Saturday 13th July 2019 Uncategorized July 10, 2019 This Saturday sees the final galas for this year's Mercian League. All galas are winner takes all - previous points and positions do not count! At gala 1 - the top gala - there will be a trophy for all 6 teams. The winners of the other three galas all receive a trophy
Draw Round 3 2019 Uncategorized June 21, 2019 MERCIAN LEAGUE ROUND 3 13-Jul-19 Gala 1 1 Kingsbury Venue:- Nuneaton 2 Leamington 3 Bilston 4 Coventry Organising Bilston 5 Wombourne Club:- 6 Blythe Barracudas Gala 2 c Stratford Sharks Venue:- Solihull 2 Wyre Forest 3 Worcester 4 Orinon Organising Worcester 5 Lichfield Club:- Gala3 1 Boldmere Venue:- Walsall 2 Bromsgrove ** 3 Redditch 4 Solihull Organising Redditch 5 Halesowen Club:- Gala 4 1 Northgate Venue:- Tamworth 2 Haden Hill 3 Perry Beeches 4 Warley Wasps Organising Tamworth 5 Tamworth Club:-
Results Round 2 News June 21, 2019June 21, 2019 MERCIAN LEAGUE RESULTS ROUND 2 08-Jun-19 Gala 1 Points Gala Points 1 Stratford Sharks 219 6 Gala 1 Venue:- Nuneaton 2 Boldmere 182 3 3 Worcester 205 4 4 Orinon 207 5 5 Halesowen 167 2 6 Gala 2 1 Solihull 208 4 Gala 2 Venue:- Solihull 2 Leamington 229 5 3 Bromsgrove 180 4 4 Haden Hill 176 3 5 Bilston 242 6 6 Gala3 1 Wyre Forest 218 5 Gala3 Venue:- Walsall 2 Kingsbury 235 6 3 Perry Beeches 180 4 4 Warley Wasps 179 3 5 Northgate 172 2 6 Rubgy 180 4 Gala 4 1 Blythe Barracudas 201 5 Gala 4 Venue:- Tamworth 2 Wombourne 199 4 3 Tamworth 95 1 4 Redditch 149 2 5 Coventry 207 6 6 Lichfield 186 3 Provisional results subject to ratification