Walsall Gala Baths News May 30, 2019 If you are swimming at the Walsall Gala, it is at Walsall's Gala Baths. Walsall Gala Baths Tower St Walsall WS1 1DH No parking on site, but lots of local parking.
Round 2 8th June 2019 Uncategorized May 7, 2019 MERCIAN LEAGUE ROUND 2 08-Jun-19 Gala 1 Stratford Sharks Gala 1 Venue:- Nuneaton Boldmere Worcester Orinon Organising Stratford Sharks Halesowen Club:- Gala 2 Solihull Gala 2 Venue:- Tudor Grange Leamington Bromsgrove Haden Hill Organising Bilston Club:- Solihull Gala3 Wyre Forest Gala3 Venue:- Walsall Kingsbury Perry Beeches Warley Wasps Organising Wyre Forest Northgate Club:- Rubgy Gala 4 Blythe Barracudas Gala 4 Venue:- Tamworth Wombourne Tamworth Redditch Organising Tamworth Coventry Club:- Lichfield
Gala at Walsall tonight Uncategorized April 27, 2019 If you are attending the Walsall gala tonight as a spectator, please try to bring the correct change with you - this would help us a lot tonight :-) Admission prices are: £3 Adults £1.50 Senior Citizens / Children Children under 14 go free Many thanks for your help
Tonight’s Galas 27th April Uncategorized April 27, 2019 A quick reminder to the organising clubs for tonight's galas (Tamworth, Halesowen and Wombourne: Lane draw is as below (drawn at the AGM). Please do a lane draw tonight for round 2. Please email the results and tonight's lane draw to Mandy If you can text the final results through to 07793560698 it just
Updated Gala Recording Spreadsheet April 2019 News April 26, 2019April 26, 2019 Any problems please let us know If you like to enter your times as 01:23.45 MercianLeagueRecordingSheet2019 Or If you like to enter your times as 12345 MercianLeagueRecordingSheetWalsallR127042019 BLANK
Teamsheets Deadline is Approaching News March 28, 2019April 3, 2019 Many thanks to Haden Hill, Coventry, Kingsbury Aquarius, Northgate, Wombourne, Wyre Forest, Boldmere, Orion, Redditch, Lichfield, Tamworth, Leamington and Perry Beeches for sending in their teamsheets. Looking forwards to receiving the rest of them in the coming days :-) Thank you!