Winners 2018 Uncategorized July 25, 2018November 25, 2018 CONGRATS TO COVENTRY MERCIAN LEAGUE RESULTS ROUND 3 14-Jul-18 Gala 1 Points 1 Coventry 249 Div 1 Champions 2018 2 Leamington 216 3 Worcestshire 186 4 Wombourne 171 5 Blythe Barracudas 166 6 Bilston 0 Gala 2 1 Boldmere 212 Div 2 Winner Gala 2 2 Stratford Sharks 204 3 Warley Wasps 181 4 Lichfield 158 5 Haden Hill 148 6 Solihull 137 Gala3 1 Orion 207 Div 3 Winner Gala 3 2 Rugby 202 3 Kingsbury Aquarius 197 4 Redditch 194 5 Northgate 183 6 Cannock 0 Gala 4 1 Halesowen 238 Div 4 Winner Gala 4 2 Bromsgrove 236 3 Perry Beeches 207 4 Tamworth 153 5 Ludlow 0 6 Nuneaton 0
Mercian Trophies – please can you return them News July 8, 2018 Due to the number of trophies missing, we are going to track backwards over the last couple of years, to find where they are. Please can you return any Mercian Trophy that your club has, so that it can be ticked off the list. For this year, we have some permanent trophies
Mercian League Trophies – please return them ASAP! News July 2, 2018 We are still missing a large number of Mercian League Trophies. Short of driving round your home pools, and checking your trophy cabinets......please can they be returned as soon as possible? My works address for posting is: Mandy Blizard St Basils 71 - 75 Allcock Street Deritend Birmingham B9 4DY Many thanks for your help Mandy
Round 3 – the Final Countdown! News June 26, 2018June 26, 2018 Gala 1 1 Worcester Venue:- Rugby 2 Bilston CV22 5LJ 3 Coventry 4 Blythe Barracudas Organising Leamington 5 Leamington 6 Wombourne Gala 2 1 Solihull Venue:- Tudor Grange 2 Haden Hill B91 1NB 3 Stratford Sharks 4 Boldmere Organising Solihull 5 Lichfield **5.30pm warm up 6 Warley Wasps Gala 3 Northgate Venue:- Oak park Redditch WS9 9BH Orion Rugby Organising Redditch Kingsbury Aquarius Cannock Phoenix Gala 4 Bromsgrove Venue:- Snow Dome Tamworth Ludlow B79 7ND Halesowen PBSSS Organising Tamworth Tamworth
Mercian 2019 Uncategorized June 17, 2018 We have had an enquiry from a team wishing to join the Mercian League next year. Are all teams continuing with the league next year please? If not please let us know as soon as you can - thank you.
At tonight’s Galas….. News June 9, 2018 There will be a short announcement, prior to the start of each of the galas, remembering Martyn Garner, a local official and generally good guy, followed by 1 minute of applause.