Reminder Mercian League AGM Tonight 15/11 Uncategorized November 15, 2016 Reminder that this year's Mercian League AGM will be held at Hollyfield's Social Club (Woodacre Rd, Birmingham B24 0JT) , starting at 7:30pm, on Tuesday 15th November. We will be in the Trent Room. Please bring your completed paperwork along with you - mercianagm2016 - or contact Sue the treasurer to pay your fees
Reminder Mercian League AGM 15/11/16 News November 11, 2016 Reminder that this year's Mercian League AGM will be held at Hollyfield's Social Club (Woodacre Rd, Birmingham B24 0JT) , starting at 7:30pm, on Tuesday 15th November. We will be in the Trent Room. Please bring your completed paperwork along with you - mercianagm2016 - or contact Sue the treasurer to pay your fees
AGM Tuesday 15/11 starts at 7:30pm at Hollyfields Uncategorized November 1, 2016 Reminder that this year's Mercian League AGM will be held at Hollyfield's Social Club (Woodacre Rd, Birmingham B24 0JT) , starting at 7:30pm, on Tuesday 15th November. We will be in the Trent Room. Please bring your completed paperwork along with you - mercianagm2016 - or contact Sue the treasurer to pay your fees
Mercian League AGM Tuesday 15/11 News October 21, 2016October 24, 2016 Reminder that this year's Mercian League AGM will be held at Hollyfield's Social Club (Woodacre Rd, Birmingham B24 0JT) , starting at 7:30pm, on Tuesday 15th November. We will be in the Trent Room.
Mercian League Trophies 2016 Uncategorized August 29, 2016August 29, 2016 All clubs at gala 1 should have received a trophy. The winning team at gala 2, gala 3 and gala 4 should also have received a trophy. Please can the following clubs confirm that they did (or did not!) receive a trophy at the final round: Coventry, Leamington, Stratford Sharks, Worcester, Blythe Barracudas,
Congratulations to Coventry – Winners of the 2016 Mercian League News July 29, 2016August 29, 2016 Congratulations must go to Coventry, who were crowned the winners of this year's Mercian league on Saturday 9th July at Nuneaton's Pingles baths. Winners of Gala 2 were Cannock Phoenix. Winners of Gala 3 were Redditch. Winners of Gala 4 were Orion. Big hearty congratulations to all teams who competed - but special congratulations