Mercian League Round 3 – The FINALS! News June 21, 2016June 21, 2016 MERCIAN LEAGUE ROUND 3 09-Jul-16 Gala 1 Leamington Venue:- Nuneaton Coventry Rugby Worcester Organising Leamington Blythe Barracudas Club:- Stratford Sharks Gala 2 Lichfield Venue:- Cheslyn Hay Halesowen Solihull Northgate Organising Cannock Phoenix Wombourne Club:- Cannock Phoenix Gala3 Warley Wasps Venue:- Leamington Redditch Bromgsgrove Bilston Organising Redditch Kingsbury Aquarius Club:- Boldmere Gala 4 Nuneaton Venue:- Tamworth Perry Beeches SSS Orion Ludlow Organising Tamworth Tamworth Club:- Walsall
Starting Equipment at Leamington Spa News June 17, 2016 Please be aware that starting equipment at Newbold Comyn Pool belongs to LSASC and they are not able to store it at the leisure centre.It is kept by one of their members who lives some distance away. Therefore if the organising club wants to use it, they need to contact Leamington Swimming Club
Pool Locations for Round 2 Uncategorized May 16, 2016 MERCIAN LEAGUE ROUND 2 11-Jun-16 Gala 1 Warley Wasps Gala 1 Venue:- Tamworth Rugby Worcester Tamworth Organising Warley Wasps Ludlow Club:- Kingsbury Aquarius Gala 2 Lichfield Gala 2 Venue:- Leamington Spa Solihull Perry Beeches SSS Bilston Organising Lichfield Northgate Club:- Leamington Gala3 Boldmere Gala3 Venue:- Solihull Stratford Sharks Blythe Barracudas Walsall Organising Boldmere Coventry Club:- Nuneaton Gala 4 Halesowen Gala 4 Venue:- Cheslyn Hay Redditch Bromgsgrove Orion Organising Halesowen Cannock Phoenix Club:- Wombourne
Organising Clubs Round 2 News May 6, 2016 Many thanks to Warley Wasps, Lichfield, Boldmere and Halesowen who all drew lane 1 at roiund one of the Mercian League. They are now the organising clubs for round two of this year's Mercian League. Pool locations to be confirmed shortly.
Round 2 Galas – 11/06/16 News May 2, 2016May 16, 2016 MERCIAN LEAGUE ROUND 2 11-Jun-16 Gala 1 Warley Wasps Gala 1 Venue:- Tamworth Rugby Worcester Tamworth Organising Warley Wasps Ludlow Club:- Kingsbury Aquarius Gala 2 Lichfield Gala 2 Venue:- Leamington Spa Solihull Perry Beeches SSS Bilston Organising Lichfield Northgate Club:- Leamington Gala3 Boldmere Gala3 Venue:- Solihull Stratford Sharks Blythe Barracudas Walsall Organising Boldmere Coventry Club:- Nuneaton Gala 4 Halesowen Gala 4 Venue:- Cheslyn Hay Redditch Bromgsgrove Orion Organising Halesowen Cannock Phoenix Club:- Wombourne
Results Round 1 2016 News May 2, 2016May 3, 2016 30-Apr-16 Gala 1 Points Gala Points 1 Warley Wasps 3 160 Gala 1 Venue:- Nuneaton 2 Solihull 4 174 3 Blythe Barracudas 5 209 4 Orion 2 141 5 Ludlow 1 104 6 Leamington 6 256 Gala 2 1 Lichfield 6 233 Gala 2 Venue:- Tamworth 2 Stratford Sharks 5 213 3 Bromgsgrove 3 167 4 Tamworth 1 98 5 Northgate 4 184 6 Nuneaton 2 148 Gala3 1 Boldmere 2 131 Gala3 Venue:- Leamington 2 Redditch 1 126 3 Worcester 5 209 4 Bilston 4 175 5 Coventry 6 237 6 Wombourne 3 158 Gala 4 1 Halesowen 4 186 Gala 4 Venue:- Solihull 2 Rugby 6 202 3 Perry Beeches SSS 3 168 4 Walsall 1 116 5 Cannock Phoenix 5 194 6 Kingsbury Aquarius 2 164 Subject to ratification